South Hunsley School & Sixth Form College

South Hunsley School and Sixth Form College has over 2,100 students.
South Hunsley is in the top 3% of all schools nationally. In 2018, 84% of students achieved 5 or more 9-4 grades, including English and Maths at GCSE. South Hunsley’s Progress 8 measure currently stands at 0.57, ‘well above’ the national average.

South Hunsley Sixth Form College is going from strength to strength, with 71% achieving at least one A*-B grade, and over 86% of students being accepted into their first choice university.

As part of the South Hunsley family, we seek to inspire each other and learn to value greatness, ambition and achievement of all kinds.
– Jonny Uttley, CEO

Contact Details

Head Teacher: Michaela Blackledge
Address: South Hunsley, East Dale Road, Melton, North Ferriby, HU14 3HS.
Telephone: 01482 631208