championing excellence • nurturing aspirations
At Howden Junior School, relationships are at the heart of all we do. We are a strong community of committed and hard-working staff, dedicated governors and supportive parents. At the centre of our community are our wonderful children. They are the driver for all that we do. Our children have a voice in our community. They lead projects, have chosen charities to support with fundraising and contribute to our continued improvement. Our close-knit community includes Howden C of E Infant school and TEAL.
Four values underpin everything we do at Howden Junior School:
- Community
- Courage
- Care
- Curiosity
These values are the things we believe all children in our care should develop during their time with us. Our curriculum reflects these values. It is ambitious and enriched by a varied range of extra-curricular experiences which provide memories that last long after our children have moved on to pastures new.
Our school is set in extensive, attractive grounds that provide our children with a wonderful place to play, as well as to learn about the world around them. We have an outdoor classroom, Forest School area and an allotment.
When our children leave us they are caring, curious, motivated, independent individuals, equipped with the courage to pursue an exciting future on their educational journey.
We believe that this is a wonderful school and we are all very proud of what we do here at Howden Juniors.
Lee Quinn-Hill
Executive Headteacher

Where to find us
Howden Junior School
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