The Be Well programme is a unique resource commissioned by The Education Alliance, to increase mental health provision for children, staff and parents across schools in our Trust. The programme is made possible through close partnerships with several organisations and is made possible with the support of Pagabo.

The Be Well Programme consists of three elements:

  • 1

    Mind – The Whole School Approach for all children, parents and staff

  • 2

    Listen LOUD – Let’s Open Up Discussions

  • 3

    ELSA – Emotional literacy support for primary aged children

TEAL Be Well

Richard Williman

Richard as our TEAL Be Well Lead works closely with the Be Well leads across all the Trust schools to ensure our schools are mental healthy, inclusive places with the ability to provide support for all our users. He is an experienced Headteacher with extensive pastoral experience and is passionate in his work to support young people build the life skills needed to develop resilience and achieve good wellbeing, now and in later life.

Richard Williman

Mind - The Whole School Approach

This programme supports students, parents/carers and staff in all of our schools across The Education Alliance.

Our school communities are supported through a range of activities including:

  • High quality staff training and support
  • A commitment to ensuring we have trained Youth Mental Health First Aiders at a ratio of 50:1 within our schools
  • Listening service for children, parents and staff as a drop-in service, in person or virtually
  • A range of workshops for young people of all ages and parents
  • Access to a high quality training programme for young people who wish to become Well-being Ambassadors
  • Intensive student for children through the ‘Big Umbrella’ programme

Performance data for HEY Mind Provision

During the Academic Year 2023-24:

Schools involved in the delivery of Mind in Education
Individual students were supported as part of the programme
Individual sessions place with students in 2023/24.
Parent and carers supported through 1-1 support and quick chats
Staff members received support and guidance
Students attended a drop-in session within the school
Student Wellbeing Ambassadors were trained in 2023/24
Students completed our 6 week pupil resilience programme
Students completed Big Umbrella sessions to manage anxiety and low mood

“I learnt a lot about mental health and was taught useful info. The workshop made me feel more confident in what I look like and body image, with very helpful techniques and advice. I can Look after my mental health much better now, and I even made a new friend.”

Feedback from a student

“I enjoyed all of it and felt happier every time I left the room. My mental health has really improved, and I loved learning what I am grateful for. The parts I really enjoyed were when I could draw, take them home, and remember from them. Very helpful support.”

Feedback from a student

Listen LOUD - Let's Open Up Discussions

Listen LOUD is a programme run by the HUB School Outreach Team offering 1:1 intervention and group support to students in all our secondary schools.

A key part of the programme is to equip children, families and staff with strategies and tools to self-help now and in the future.

The following topics are covered as part of the Core 1:1 intervention and group support:



Communication / Conversation Skills

Resolving Conflict

Tolerance and Acceptance

Social Cues

Personal Space


Social Skills

Circle of Control

Negative Thoughts

In addition, the following enhanced support is made available as part of the Listen LOUD programme:

Restorative intervention

Lunchtime and after school drop-in support


Parents evenings

Drop down time

Tutor time and timetabled lesson support

Staff professional development

ELSA in Primary Schools

Our primary schools are also immensely grateful for the support provided to enable the delivery the ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) programme, This programme supports individual young people who require early help intervention for social, emotional and mental health support.